After a state trooper pulled over to assist a motorist near Syracuse, his patrol car was rear-ended. It was one of many similar collisions that occur regularly in New York and throughout the country. As a matter of fact, rear-end crashes account for about one-third of all accidents country-wide, totaling over 1.7 million annually. The crash in Syracuse caused injuries to the trooper, which is in line with national statistics, as well. Every year, more than 500,000 injuries connected with rear-enders occur, in addition to thousands of fatalities. If you have suffered serious injuries as a result of a rear-end collision, it may be beneficial for you to seek the counsel of a Long Island auto accident attorney.
Consequences of Rear-end Collisions
When a vehicle is hit from behind, any number of injuries may result. Depending on the speed and impact, victims in the forward car may suffer broken bones, head injuries, lacerations, and, most commonly, whiplash, sometimes known as hyperextension or hyperflexion, What makes whiplash particularly troubling is the fact that symptoms may not appear immediately. It may be weeks, or even months before the aches and pains start to surface. When they do, they may be severe and long-lasting.
Essentially, the whipping action of the head may result in a strain or sprain of the neck. Common complaints associated with whiplash include the following:
- Severe headaches;
- Aching shoulders, arms, neck, and/or back;
- Dizziness and nausea;
- Vision impairment;
- Abdominal swelling or pain;
- Numbness of the extremities; and
- Changes in personality or motor function due to traumatic brain injury.
What Leads to Rear-end Crashes?
Rear-end collisions are nearly always the result of driver error. By far, the majority of these incidents are connected to distracted driving. Common distractions that divert drivers’ attention from the road are well-known to most of us:
- Food and drinks;
- Cell phones;
- Fellow passengers;
- Animals in the car;
- Outside distractions, such as animals, scenery, signage, or storefronts.
In addition to distractions, other conditions affecting the competence of drivers sometimes factor in to rear-end collisions. Among them are driver fatigue, intoxication, and medical problems.
Facts About These Collisions
The majority of rear-end crashes occur on straight roadways, as opposed to curvy roads. Traffic congestion often contributes to these incidents. The lion’s share of crashes occur during the day, and at comparatively low speeds. Eight in 10 collisions occur when the forward vehicle is at a complete stop. For the other 20 percent of crashes, following too closely is often a factor in the incident.
In the Aftermath
If you find yourself seeking medical help in the aftermath of a rear-end collision, you may find resistance from insurance companies and others when it comes time to pay the bills. This is particularly true if an appreciable amount of time has passed since the accident. Now, more than ever, the experienced and knowledgeable team at The Falkowitz Law Firm can help. Get Gary working for you by calling 844-GET-GARY today. The initial consultation is free and confidential.