Each year, about 1.3 million people die in car accidents worldwide—an average of 3,287 deaths daily.
We can’t always avoid a car accident—some things are beyond our control. We can, however, control what happens afterward.
After an accident, take action. Professional car accident legal advice can reduce your stress so you can focus on your recovery. With a skilled Long Island car accident lawyer at your side, you can receive the compensation you deserve.
Keep reading to discover the seven benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer.
1. Don’t Settle Too Soon
After a car accident, you probably want the whole ordeal over and done with. Rushing the process and settling a claim too early, however, comes at a cost. You could risk missing out on the compensation you need to cover your bills.
It’s difficult to determine the full extent of your injuries right after an accident.
You’ll need to schedule doctor visits and get x-rays or scans done. The entire process can take time.
A few weeks after your accident, you might notice back or neck pain you didn’t recognize earlier.
An insurance adjuster might try to get you to settle quickly. That way, you won’t have these documents or complaints in hand. Settling too early can cause you to waive your rights to additional money, even if you develop new complications after some time.
Hiring a car accident lawyer can keep you from settling too soon.
Your lawyer will help you make the most of claim, so you don’t rush and miss out.
2. Know What to Say
Following a car accident, the insurance company of the at-fault party will ask for your statement. You may also need to give a statement to police officials.
Saying the wrong thing can hurt your claim. The insurance company can then use your statement against you. That way, they won’t have to pay damages.
If you haven’t acquired car accidental legal advice, you might not realize the importance of your statement.
Insurance companies know to ask tricky questions. They might even take your statement out of context. If they can make the accident look like you were at fault, you’ll lose out on your compensation.
A car crash injury lawyer can review the events of the accident with you.
They’ll help you determine what information to offer. That way, you’re prepared before you’re asked to make a statement.
3. Calculate Compensation
Road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.
Many factors, including death and injuries, come into play when calculating car accident compensation. These may include:
- Your current and future medical costs, due to injuries from the accident
- The cost of wages you lose during your recovery period
- The emotional costs of pain and suffering you endure
- Damages
The at-fault party might also pay additional fees if they behaved in a grossly negligent manner.
On your own, you might neglect to consider certain factors. Every little amount adds up as a part of your compensation. By requesting car accident legal advice, you can make sure you don’t miss anything.
A car accident personal injury lawyer can calculate the reasonable compensation you should receive as a result of the accident.
They won’t only consider the amount you’re due. A lawyer will also determine the varying sources of compensation. This can include your insurance policy and the at-fault driver’s policy.
Other sources may come into play depending on the specifics of the accident.
Either way, a professional car accident lawyer can make sure you don’t miss anything that could play into your compensation.
4. Stand Against Scare Tactics
Insurance adjusters try to settle each case for as little money as possible.
Immediately following your accident, you’re likely feeling stressed out. There’s a lot to do regarding the state of your vehicle, your health, and your case. You might also be taking pain medication that makes it difficult for you to think clearly.
Insurance adjusters try to take advantage of this vulnerable time.
A lawyer, on the other hand, will have your best interests in mind.
A car crash injury lawyer can help defend you. They’ll protect you from sneaky insurance adjusters who are trying to minimize your compensation.
5. Collect Evidence
To prove your case, you need evidence. This can include:
- Police reports covering the crash
- Medical records that document your injuries
- Photos from the accident scene
- Eyewitness testimonials
- Statements from you and the at-fault party
- The accident reconstruction expert statements
Following your accident, you’re busy trying to recover and get back to work. Trying to find evidence from these varying sources takes time and energy.
A lawyer can help collect the evidence you need quickly.
They’ll also issue subpoenas for the information you can’t get on your own, such as phone records or camera footage.
Their help could end up crucial to proving your case.
6. Determine Fault
Accident fault rules can differ depending on the state you live in. A lawyer can offer car accident legal advice specific to your state. They’ll help you understand the fault rules for the state you live in.
If you were partially at-fault, you might still qualify for a small compensation.
Your lawyer can help you determine if you were at fault and if you can still collect compensation following the accident.
7. Guidance Through the Process
The insurance claim process can seem stressful, especially when you’re healing. Depending on the state you live in, there are different types of insurance you can apply for. These can include:
- Personal Injury Protection
- Bodily Injury Coverage
- Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Your lawyer can give your car accident legal advice that’s specific to your injury claim.
They can also direct you through the process. Instead of trying to navigate this unfamiliar terrain on your own, you’ll have help from a professional who’s been there before.
Steer Clear: 7 Benefits of Getting Car Accident Legal Advice
You’ve gone through enough as it is. With a professional lawyer’s car accident legal advice, you can simplify the claim process following your accident. Their advice can also help you maximize your compensation.
Get help from the professionals. Receive your free consultation from our legal team today.
Gary P. Falkowitz is the Managing Partner and Founding Attorney of the Falkowitz Law Firm PLLC‚ one of the premiere personal injury law firms in New York. Gary received his J.D., in 2005 from St. John’s University School of Law and served as an Assistant District Attorney with the Kings County District Attorney’s Office.